Think About It

He who is not everyday conquering some fear has not learned the secret of life. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Gender and Communications

How do men and women differ in their communication? Age, culture and other factors play a role, but you ask many people, and they'll say men and women definitely communicate differently.

Do you think there's a difference?


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  2. There have been many studies conducted on how culture has an impact on the methods and way men and women communicate. Our brains bring the tools shaped by our experiences and cultural and sub cultural influences. I guess that every one communicates different.

  3. Tiajuana - Men and Women differ in their communication , because they have different brain structures. Although , I do believe that if they have things in common that they could communicate more rapidly.

  4. Yes, men and women may have different communication styles.
    Many men are actually like talking about something other than they are interesting for example talking about football or hunting doing a business...etc. usually men would never talked with other men about the most important things in life. However, many women would like to converse about life and it’s most important things
    Let's see an example; a couple lives together.a wife gets frustrated or upset in her work place, when she back home her husband wrapped his arms around her and in his best romantic accent said, "Oh, my darling......' I'm sorry you had such a bad day, just let me massage your tired shoulders while you tell me all about your bad day."
    Both Husband and wife handled the situation well; she expressed her exact frustration, although he didn't try to fix it. Instead, he listened to her and offered a hug and humor. Such good communication is the exception because men and women are so wonderfully different.

    Most women would to describe an event in detail, while men just want only the bottom line.

    Therefore men and women are usually on different wavelengths when it comes to communication.

    Ermias Kidanemariam

  5. I am a true believer that men and women communicate differently. Women express themselves in a form of truth, how they feel, how they want a situation to be, and how they would like to proceed with a situation. Unlike men when communicating they will express themselves based on what they want a person to believe or hear to make a situation better for them. I feel a lot of times men communicate on what I call a 'not so real basis' depending on a situation. Women often times communicate from the mind and heart. Men communicate from the mind. I COULD BE WRONG! I do feel that it depends on the culture of one's age and upbringing. Maturity comes with age helping to help one not only believe but see the correct way to communicate. All genders are not alike.

  6. Women are vocal, men are thoughtful, however, we seem to balance each out. We all communicate, but different. My father always tells me, "Listen more and speak less, and see what how much you will learn." I enjoy my time in silence, listening to professors and other students. It's funny how much I learn from the ladies.

  7. I believe that there is a different between both gender communications, but it also about what is being conversing about. Most men wouldn’t care about chatting about hair and nails, but if a woman talked about sport, car, and tools you will then have their undivided attention. Since it is of their interest the communication will then or maybe be the same. It is crazy how communication can be so different between a women and men, but it was between a tom boy and men it’s the same. With that being said, if every woman was a tom boy it would be possible that the communication can will be the same. That’s weird ;). By: Shamika Francis

  8. Men and women communicate in different ways. Women will let a man know but sometimes they expect men to know whats wrong at all times.
    Men sometimes communicate by not saying anything or giving short answers. men also tend to not show any emotions when they are really hurt.
    James Dawkins

  9. I believe men and women communicate differently because their state of mind and thinking are totally different. On a large part most men were taught growing up to be tough, masculine, never cry and to keep their emotions inside so alot of men have problems communicating how they feel and are more direct. Where as a women communicate using more emotions and expressing her feelings.
