Think About It

He who is not everyday conquering some fear has not learned the secret of life. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Sunday, February 13, 2011

What If Everyone Was Like Me

At church today, our minister asked the congregation this question:

"What if everyone in church was like you?"

Guess we could all ask ourselves that:

"What if everyone at work was like you?"
"What if everyone at school was like you?"

Etc., etc. That means like you in all those bad ways, too. We all have those character flaws - the ones that make us imperfect.

What if?


  1. That is one of the mystery to life... why are each of us so different from one another? Here's my theory: If we were all the same the there would be no change... Life would stagnant. Each and every one of us offers something to the team.

    Case in point, one of my co-workers is a complete jackass sometimes and has no problem throwing me under the bus to make himself feel better, but when it came to this last project we had to work on, I could ask for no better partner... because he was so overly critical that we were able to take our final result to a whole new level.

    Sure this may be a little extreme, but the fact of the matter is... if he was just like me the project would have been mediocre at best... now because of it we may both get promoted...


  2. It's funny that you pose this question..I say that in lieu of the popular song "Teach Me How To Dougie",I'm oft-asked "Teach Me How To Dougie".Of course a direct play on my name (Doug).

    My answer is usually very concise and cunning "Many have tried and all have failed." Not to be pompous or nasty but I'm a FIRM believer in individuality,I wouldn't and don't want anyone to be EXACTLY like me.Though my children are young,they're being taught to be their own person.

    In closing,I don't think that anyone could mirror anyone else.Try as they might..ones character is a staple of their being,there's no Xerox for that.

    -Douglas Glasgow

  3. Thanks for the comments. Guess I'm thinking more about how I can make excuses for my character flaws, but when I see them in others, I'm not as tolerant.
    As for children... I've learned they can take on our characters - especially those (flaws) that force us to look hard in the mirror.

  4. Most likely if everyone was like you; you would probably notice things you don’t like about yourself. It is also like asking yourself if you would date yourself. When noticing the things you might not like about yourself, you can either change it or deal with it. Even though you change those characters it won’t make you a perfect person, but at least you can put up with yourself.

  5. This is my post above :) Shamika Francis

  6. if everyone was like me the world would be different. if everyone was like me alot of people would enjoy life and make sure they do what needs to be done.
    James Dawkins

  7. If everyone was like me then society would be stuck in a stagnant state of mind because everyone's influence and opinion would be the same as mine. Meaning that we will all be limited in our innovation of new ideas because we all have the same idea.

    Mario Geeter
